1.Using “Nightsong City,” identify the extended metaphor in the poem and provide an example in the form of a quotation of one of the extended metaphor. Explain what your example is saying about the poem’s overall metaphor.

1.Using “Nightsong: City,” identify the extended metaphor in the poem and provide an example in the form of a quotation of one of the extended metaphor. Explain what your example is saying about the poem’s overall metaphor.
2.“God’s Grandeur” is a sonnet. Identify which type of sonnet it is and explain what parts of the poem qualify it as that type of sonnet. Provide examples to demonstrate how the poem meets the definition of the type of sonnet you’re identifying it as.
3.Explain the tone of “On Being Told I Do Not Speak Like a Black Person.” If there are different tones for different parts of the poem, explain at least two. Provide quoted examples and discussion of those quotations to substantiate your claim.
4.Identify and explain how the specific historical context of “Dulce et Decorum Est” influences and shapes the poem’s stated purpose. Be sure to clearly and correctly identify the poem’s stated purpose. You are not required to provide quotations.
5.Who is the narrator of the poem “Pride and Prejudice” criticizing and why is the narrator criticizing them? Your answer should consider the narrator’s views on the type of person being criticized. Provide quotations that demonstrate the narrator’s views on the type of person being criticized.
6.In “Africa,” what is Maya Angelou attempting to get her audience to think about and what is her purpose in trying to engage her audience with that? Your answer should consider more than just the literal subject matter presented in the poem’s title.
7.In “One Afternoon When Barbie Wanted to Join the Military,” what type of figurative language does the author use throughout the poem and why does the author use that type of figurative language? Your answer should consider the author’s purpose. Provide quotations and analysis to support your claims of the type of figurative language you are identifying.
8.Using “My Last Duchess,” explain the Duke’s rationale for having his wife killed and what that reveals about him. Your answer should consider his justification for the murder. Provide quotations for support and thorough discussion of those.
9.Using “Ballad of Birmingham,” explain Randall’s criticism of people who did not want to become involved in the Civil Rights movement, instead preferring safety over freedom.
10.Identify two images from “Those Winter Sundays.” Provide quotations of your examples. You do not need to explain your examples.