Create a shell script


Due on week14


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Problem:         Your assignment is to prepare a script that would accumulate your username, date and time, and your computer information into a log file. Then, as the part two, a case statement should be used in a loop to run several choices. Also, make sure an exit point must be provided in the script as well.


Instructions: Perform the following tasks:

Part 1

  1. Login into your bash shell.
  2. Create a shell script named yourname-script that would do:
    1. redirect a string Student name is <your actual first and last name> into a file Log-file; (10 pts)
    2. append the current date and time information to the file Log-file; (10 pts)
    3. append the string “My terminal logical name is <your actual logical terminal name>” to the file Log-file; use the command tty. (10 pts)
    4. learn the name of your machine using the command uname and append the string “My machine name is <the actual name>” to the file Log-file; (10 pts)

Part 2

    1. read the input from the keyboard; (5 pts)
    2. make the following selections: (50 pts)
  • if this is choice one,
    1. display the string ‘My files’ ;
    2. perform the listing command on your directory;
    3. append the result to the file Log-file;
  • if this is choice two,
    1. display the string ‘My directory’ ;
    2. perform the viewing of current directory command ;
    3. append the result to the file Log-file;
  • if this is choice three,
    1. display the string ‘Calendar of this month is <actual information using command cal>’ ;
    2. append the result to the file Log-file;
  • in all other choices,
    1. display the string ‘Wrong choice’ ;
    2. append the result to the file Log-file;
  1. Make the script yourname-script executable and run it. (5 pts)
  2. Submit your project. Use screen shouts for the results.