5. How should we interpret

1. How should we interpret “universality” when identifying different “human rights”? Discuss the idea of a “cross-cultural universal” in this debate about the philosophical foundations of human rights in relation to three scholars we studied who analyze the cross-cultural legitimacy of rights. After comparing their views, explain what they would say about the Bangkok Declaration (1993) The above question is to be answered in two pages double spaced times new roman using the attached files and the links below. Richard Claude (1983 ). The Case of Joelito Filartiga and the Clinic of Hope. Human Rights Quarterly 5, pp. 275-301. https://www.economist.com/international/2021/01/02/laws-to-catch-human-rights-abusersare-growing-teeth Cases to be discussed in lecture: Filartiga v. Pena-Irala (1980, 1984) In re Pinochet (1998/1999). Lubanga case (2017) https://www.icc-cpi.int/drc/lubanga For reference: Convention on the Rights of the Child, Optional Protocol on Children in Armed Conflict http://www2.ohchr.org/english/law/crc-conflict.htm Charles Majinge (2017). Right to Housing under International Law. Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, pp. 1-9. The International Human Rights Council and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. International Criminal Tribunals including the International Criminal Court (ICC), Regional human rights systems. National enforcement mechanisms. Analysis of landmark cases like Filartiga, Pinochet, Unocal, and others. The Challenge of Sovereign Immunity


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