Based on the readings you have done for this course as well as relevant outside sources, please answer the following questions: Which is valued more highly by the international community

Sovereignty and State Security; or (2) Human Rights and Human Security? Does this appear to be changing, and why or why not?
Based on the readings you have done for this course as well as relevant outside sources, please answer the following questions: Which is valued more highly by the international community: (1) Sovereignty and State Security; or (2) Human Rights and Human Security? Does this appear to be changing, and why or why not? Finally, are these two sets of ideas mutually incompatible, or is it possible to value sovereignty/state security equally along with human rights/human security? In answering these questions, be sure also to identify the sources of this tension between human rights/human security and state sovereignty/state security (ideas, treaties, state practice, norms, etc.). You may draw on any of the literature on the syllabus as well as any outside research, but be sure to ground your thesis in material from the syllabus. You must answer all of the above questions. Paper that is 6-8 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, and 1 margins. The only readings that you are absolutely required to use are those from this course, which are available on blackboard, but you are encouraged to use outside sources as well. You must cite all sources used using either footnotes or in-text citations and a bibliography. You must cite sources even if you are not quoting directly from them.