Briefly discuss how well the research findings described in the popular press description “fit” with your personal experience or observations.

Identify which “popular media” descriptionyou chose and briefly summarize the described research. Based only on the information provided, who were the participants, what was the design of the research study, and what was found? Based on your growing understanding of what health psychology is, describe how the health-related phenomenon, theory, process, or research finding is relevant to Health Psychology.
Briefly discuss how well the research findings described in the popular press description “fit” with your personal experience or observations. Discuss whether your own perceptions may make you more or less likely to believe the popular press description.
Describe how you were able to access the published scientific research article. How easy or difficult was it to find the published scientific research?
Summarize the “scientific research” article that you found. Be sure to describe what research design was used (i.e., specifically state whether this was a “correlational” study or an “experimental” study), who the participants were, what the primary independent (predictor) and dependent (outcome) variables were, and what was found. Also discuss what you view as the primary strengths and limitations of the research.
Evaluate and discuss whether or not the popular media description accurately described the original research. Does the headline accurately portray the research and its findings? Was enough information provided to evaluate the research? Did the description of the study match what was actually done? Did the description accurately portray what one can conclude from the study?