Business Environment

MGT501 Business Environment
This assessments addresses the following Subject Learning
a) Develop and apply a conceptual understanding of
reflective practice in a business context.
b) Critically evaluate economic principles and
stakeholders viewpoints in business environments.
Self-reflection is a way of assessing yourself and the way you work and study. Reflecting helps in
developing your skills further and linking practice with theory. It is about analysing what you do and
why you do it and applying what you have learned in the future. Reflective self-awareness leads to
better leadership skills and performance. More importantly, an enhanced understanding of oneself
also provides a solid basis for empathy and leading others.
In Assessment 1, Part A, the focus will be on you to reflect on the motivation for undertaking
postgraduate studies and expectations regarding the course and ensuing career path.
Part B, which is due in module 6, requires you to revisit Part A and do a short video presentation on
your learning experience and thinking, and how they might have evolved during the course of the