By what criteria do you justify the selection of your research sample (assuming that you sample)?

This is not a normal proposal, key to the assignment is not merely to explain the choices you want to make but, much more, to demonstrate awareness of alternative approaches possible and thus to justify on what grounds you have decided for your approach. More specifically, three aspects are to be addressed in your paper: – Purpose: E.g. What do you want to know? Why do you want to know it (significance)? What kind of knowledge does this involve? What is the practical and academic use of having this knowledge? – Theories: E.g. Which are the key concepts and propositions in your research? How have you defined them? What have been the leading criteria in defining and formulating them? How do they hang together? – Design: E.g. What is your unit of analysis, how do you delineate it? What is the total population for which your findings may be of relevance? By what criteria do you justify the selection of your research sample (assuming that you sample)? Across which dimension do you compare/evaluate your findings? What kind of techniques do you use to collect you material and to analyse it? What kind of observations do you use and what kind of attributes are you looking for? Note that it is not necessary to address each of the questions mentioned; they are only meant to give you a sense of direction. Papers should be between 2,400 and 3,000 words (excluding bibliography).