Social Cognitive Theory



The Social Cognitive Theory

The Social Cognitive Theory is accredited to Psychologist Albert Bandura and is an improvement of the social learning theory. It is classified as a learning theory and is very significant in understanding how people interact with their environment in the process of learning (Bandura, 2001). In short, this theory proposes that the learning process occurs in a social context. Thus, to expound on this, people do not simply learn new and non-existent behavior, rather they learn already existent behavior through processes such as observation and implement such behaviors through various processes as discussed here.

Rather than simply focus on the process of initiating behavior, this theory also puts an emphasis on how such behavior is maintained. To further explain this, the theory is made up of five different constructs developed in the previous Social learning theory and a Sixth one that is an improvement. These constructs are crucial in explaining the process of social learning. They include Reciprocal Determinism, behavioral capability, observational learning, reinforcements, expectations, and finally self-efficacy (Bandura, 2003).


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Reciprocal Determinism

The central concept of the Social Cognitive Theory is built around the first concept of Reciprocal Determinism. This construct is composed of three factors including the individual, their environment, and the behavior. These are the factors that constantly and continually interact to influence a person’s behavior. Similarly, a person’s behavior also influences their environment. Thus unlike in earlier theories, the individual in this model is not simply a passive recipient of behavior but rather an active one (Bandura, 2001). For instance, when it comes to learning, a child does not simply behave as impacted by the parents but rather as a result of their interactions with the world.

Behavioral Capability

The next construct is that of Behavioral capability. This refers to the ability of a person’s ability to perform a given act. For this to occur, one requires to have knowledge of a certain behavior including what to do and also how to do it (Bandura, 2001). For example, a child who speaks a curse word must have knowledge of such a word and even how to say it. Also, a person who consumes alcohol must know what alcohol is and how to drink it. On a positive note, a child who says a prayer every night must know what a prayer is and how to say such a prayer. The capacity to behave in a certain way is thus an important stage in the learning process.

Observational Learning

Thirdly is observational learning. This is where an individual observes a successful act by another and replicates that action. There are four processes of learning under this construct. They include the processes of attention, retention, production, and motivation (Bandura, 2003).

Attentional Processes

Attentional processes involve the behavior that is selected for observation. This behavior can either be observed through media or through real life. Thus put in other words, this is the process where a certain action or event captures the attention of a person.

Retentional Processes

Retention opens the door for the next process where an individual may retain that action in their memory or simply forget it. If they can recall it, then this process is known as the retention process, however, if they forget it, then the learning process involving that particular behavior is halted (Bandura, 2001). For instance, in our case where a child witnesses a person praying, the child might recall that action and move on to the next learning process or they may simply be uninterested and not recall it. The next process is the production process.

Production Process

This is where an individual attempts to recall and reconstruct the behavior that they retained from the previous step. In other words, they attempt to copy the behavior that they already observed (Bandura, 2003). A good example is where a child attempts to say a word that they heard another person speak. This process, however, explains that the behavior may not be copied exactly as observed by the person but rather, it is modified to fit within the required context.

Motivational Process

Finally is the motivational process. This is the process that determines whether the individual will keep the behavior learning through observation. Thus according to Bandura, not every observed behavior is retained but rather it depends whether such behavior is rewarded. For instance, when a child is punished for certain behavior, they are not likely to do it again. However, if they are positively rewarded, then they are likely to continue with the said behavior. This concludes the observational construct of Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory (Allan, 2017).


The fourth construct is the Reinforcements which are closely related to Reciprocal Determinism. It insists on the interaction between an individual’s action and their environment (Bandura, 2003). Therefore, a person’s behavior triggers a response from their environment. This response plays a major role in whether that person will continue with such a behavior i.e. the environment may either reinforce such behavior or not.


The next important construct of the Social Cognitive Theory is Expectations. In this construct, Bandura proposed that a person’s behavior is influenced by their expectations (Bandura, 2003). This may be as a result of their past experiences and are therefore in most occasions very subjective. Depending on how the expectations or outcomes are, a person is able to place value on their behavior.


Finally is the construct that is very unique to the social cognitive theory, referred to as self-efficacy. Basing on self-efficacy, a person’s behavior is also influenced by their level of confidence. Thus, a person’s behavior also depends on how one believes that they can accomplish a given activity (Allan, 2017).


This is the process of social learning according to Bandura’s Social Cognitive theory. It has been preferred over many other learning theories due to its various strengths. For one, it is easily applicable to a large number of behaviors as it is broad enough. It is also able to incorporate both cognitive theories and social to come up with an accurate description. It also lacks the complexities that are associated with many other related theories and is thus relatively easy to understand. It was also backed by extensive research hence very concrete. Despite all the strengths, this theory also has certain shortcomings. One of the reasons why it is criticized is that it lacks to account for emotional and biological aspects in its explanation of the learning behavior. It is also found not to be clearly unified and some critics find it disorganized (Allan, 2017). It also neglects to state that children learn through certain stages as proposed in various other theories.


Allan, J. (2017). Aggression: A Social Learning Analysis. Macat Library.

Bandura, A. (2001). Social cognitive theory: An agentic perspective. Annual review of psychology52(1), 1-26.

Bandura, A. (2003). Social cognitive theory for personal and social change by enabling media. In Entertainment-education and social change (pp. 97-118). Routledge.


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Cultural Beliefs

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Cultural beliefs are the values that are held by a given society and which dictate their customs, social behavior, and norms. These beliefs vary from one society to the other. I do not think that all cultural beliefs are equally good and true. There are those beliefs that are retrogressive and only drag certain societies backward. However, this should not be taken as a lack of respect for certain cultures. At the same time, it is difficult to answer this question objectively given that every society has different cultural beliefs. But an answer can be based on how different countries have progressed. Hence my point is based on economic development as the standard.

Important aspects such as socio-economic growth and education can be directly linked to cultural beliefs. This is one of the main reasons why western nations are highly developed than others. For instance, a cultural belief that women should not be educated is neither true nor good. Also, beliefs that support the oppression of women through Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) must be rebelled upon. On the other hand, a culture that believes that women are pillars of society and thus should be empowered is very progressive and lead to more development.

Even as I take this stand, it must be understood that a whole culture cannot be discredited. Only certain cultural practices in a given society are deemed bad and untrue. Culture brings about identity and it is therefore very important. In fact, cultural diversity is beautiful and comprises one of the biggest sections of tourism. However, for instance, take an example of a culture that holds that murder is wrong, but practices female oppression. Such a culture is not wholly bad but rather a certain cultural practice is bad. Hence every individual should take a moment to reflect on their cultural beliefs rather than just blindly accept them.

Over the course of history, man has had to practice cultural flexibility in order to evolve into civilization. This is evidence that not all cultural beliefs are good or true and must be evaluated from time to time. A big example is the United States. For a long time, the US was built around the culture of inequality where vices such as slavery were practiced. This had to be reevaluated to ascertain whether it was a good cultural practice. It was found not to be good and abandoned. In this day, the US has a cultural belief that all people are created equal. Another example is the many African nations that are abandoning FGM as a cultural belief. Also, there are middle-eastern nations abandoning the cultural belief that women should not be educated.


Conclusion about the beliefs of all cultures, are equally good and true

If all cultural believes were good and true, we would not have some regions being so developed while others are burdened with poverty. Most early cultural beliefs were based on myths and superstitions and hence no concrete truth in them. Cultural beliefs are based on the history of certain people hence the difference. Some cultural beliefs are oppressive while others are focused on the benefit of every person in society. Also, there cannot be different truths on the same matter. For instance, different cultures believe the world was formed in different ways. However, there can be only truth about such an issue. Hence, all cultural beliefs cannot be equally true.

Conclusion about the beliefs of some cultures, are better and truer than the beliefs of others

It is clear from this argument that some cultural beliefs are better and truer than others. Societies that abandon retrogressive beliefs are more economically developed than the others. Societies that are culturally flexible are much more ahead. This involves evaluating a certain cultural practice and determining whether it is a good one, then making a decision whether to abandon it. Culture practices such as the oppression of women are bad given that they result in the underdevelopment of a society. However, this does not mean that a whole culture should be abandoned; rather the bad aspects should be left out while the good ones such as those that support morality should be supported and continue being practiced.


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Feasibility Analysis of a Coffee Shop


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Business Description

The proposed business is named ‘The Coffee House’ and is designed to be a limited liability company that sells specialty coffees as well as healthy snacks. The business’ mission is to continuously provide quality food and beverage sourced from local and environmentally sustainable global suppliers in order to grow through innovation and dedication to excellence. The desired strategic location is within walking distance from office complexes and learning centers.

Industry and Market Feasibility

Description of the industry

The coffee industry is a multi-billion industry making it a significant part of many countries. According to IBIS World, the coffee and snack shops in the US have experienced a growth of 4.9% over a period of 5 years amounting to revenue of 49 billion dollars in 2019 (IBIS World, 2019). Coffee is notably the most favorite beverage for most Americans. The major items offered in this industry include beverages consumed in store, taken to go, and ordered via drive-thru. Additionally, there are foods such as snacks which also include the options of consuming in store, to go, and making an order via drive-thru.

Given such a large industry, competition is also expected. Starbucks Corporation is one of the companies known to hold the largest market share (IBIS World, 2019). Other major players who have built a name in the industry include Costa Coffee, Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds McCafe, and Café coffee day. Despite these being large corporations, the industry is large enough to accommodate small businesses. Reports show that the number of both businesses and employees keep increasing. IBIS World reports that the number of business in the US coffee industry has grown close to 80,000 in 2019 (IBIS World, 2019). This increase is a clear indication that the industry is not yet saturated.

When it comes to the market niche in the coffee industry, the coffee niche is one of the biggest markets. The fact that over half the population of America takes coffee daily makes this possible. The niche includes sales of coffee related products including coffee beans and coffee bean roasting.

Product or Service Feasibility

Description of the product

The Product at the center of this feasibility study is coffee as the main products targeted for sale are coffee products including cappuccinos, espressos, and lattes. Coffee is a beverage which is a product of roasting coffee beans. In turn, these beans are derived from coffee berries produced by a coffee tree. The various products such as cappuccinos and espressos are pretty much similar and only differ in preparation methods.

Benefits of the product

When it comes to the benefit of the product, coffee offers its consumers value for their money that keeps them coming back for more. One of the reasons for coffee popularity, other than its great taste and smell of course, is the fact that it is categorized as a stimulant (Tucker, 2017). This is given that coffee contains caffeine. In biological terms, stimulants have the capacity to increase to boost energy levels and increase alertness in one’s body (Zhang, Jiang, Liu, & He, 2017). Thus when an individual needs to accomplish a certain task that requires concentration, coffee is mostly the first option. A cup of cappuccino is best accompanied by a snack. For this reason, the business aims to also serve snacks and cakes in its menu.

Financial Feasibility

Startup capital

The startup capital for this company can be categorized into various classifications. First are the capital required to obtain permits and licenses. Such legal expenses can accrue to $1,000. The business premises will also demand rent estimated at $5,000. Insurance for the business including property casualty, general liability, and the workers’ compensation can be estimated to total to premiums of $3,000. The businesses premises will require to be remodeled to attain the desired image of The Coffee Shop hence requiring an additional $7,000. Another startup cost is the cost of marketing directed towards business promotion totaling to $2,500. Then are the miscellaneous expenses such as phone costs estimated at $2,000. On top of these costs is the operating capital including cash reserves and salary for the employees. Also, there is the startup inventory and equipment required. Combined, this brings the total costs of assets required to start to $90,000 and the total startup capital to $110,500.

Sources of capital

The funding for this business will be sourced from a combination of both the owner and a bank loan. The owner can afford to fund half the cost of starting the business while the rest will be sourced through a long term loan that will be paid from the business profits. The business is expected to break even in six months.

Entrepreneurial Readiness

Coffee shops do not require much skill for startup. However, there are skills that are indispensable when it comes to entrepreneurship. It requires one not to shy away from undertaking risks. As with any business, risks are involved in the coffee business. This is likely to result to fear of failure, a vice that must be avoided at all costs. Other helpful virtues include strategic thinking for effective planning, and leadership skills to enable smooth management of all the employees of the establishment.


After conducting this assessment of the coffee business idea, I am satisfied that it is a solid idea that can be executed. No significant changes are required other than the inclusion of more partners due to the need for funding. Other than that, the feasibility study proves that the market is very promising and that the product is on high demand giving a promise of high returns.


IBIS World (January 2019). The Coffee & Snack Shop Industry in the US Report. Retrieved from

Tucker, C. M. (2017). Coffee culture: local experiences, global connections. Routledge.

Zhang, C., Jiang, H., Liu, F., & He, Y. (2017). Application of near-infrared hyperspectral imaging with variable selection methods to determine and visualize caffeine content of coffee beans. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 10(1), 213-221.


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The Insanity Defense




The insanity defense is a defense that is available for a person accused of committing a crime in a court of law.  When one takes a successful plea of insanity, then they are found not to be criminally responsible for the act (Brown, 2018).


The Insanity Defense in a Criminal Case

This defense is built around the fact that mentally ill persons do not have a full grasp of their actions and their consequences. It is, therefore, a legal doctrine which is based on a moral principle of humanizing the criminal justice system. Psychiatrists play a huge role in the mental evaluation of the accused person and they might be required to testify before a court on the condition of the person (Brown, 2018).


There are two general requirements for a criminal sanction of a charged person. One of these is that is the act needs to fit within a criminal statute (actus reus) and the other is that there needs to be an intent to commit an act and a desired outcome or consequence (mens rea). The Latter is used to justify the defense plea as there are various mental illnesses which hinder a person’s capacity to form mens rea (Brown, 2018). One of the best examples of an individual who successfully undertook the insanity plea was John Hinckley Jr., who executed an assassination attempt on former US president Ronald Reagan. It is, however, important to note that successfully undertaking an insanity defense does not necessarily mean that one goes free. Instead, most rulings will require that the individual be institutionalized for a given period.


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Insanity Defense Rules

The Insanity defense is quite controversial. While its supporters argue that it humanizes the justice system instilling a moral aspect, there are those who are against it. Such opponent groups argue that it is based on science that lacks precision and also that it affords the accused an easy escape route from their correction. This defense has, therefore, being revisited severally in the past in an attempt to improve upon it. This resulted in various rules that govern it. They include the Durham rule, the model penal code test, Irresistible impulse, and the M’Naughten standard (Simon, 2018).


The M’Naughten Standard requires that for one to take the insanity defense, then it must be proved clearly that the accused person, at the time of committing the crime, suffered from a disease of the mind that affected the reasoning making it hard to grasp the wrongful nature of the action. The Durham rule asserts that if a defendant commits a crime as a result of a mental disease, then such a person cannot be convicted of that crime (Gasch, 2016). This rule does not require a medical diagnosis. Another rule is the model penal code test which requires that a defendant undergoes a diagnosis with a mental defect that is relevant. This test is usually conducted by mental health professional usually appointed by the court. The Irresistible impulse test takes a keen look at the free will of an accused (Simon, 2018). It extends its definition beyond just knowing right from wrong but also asks the question of whether the person, at the time of committing a crime, could control their impulses to do wrong.


Assessment of Insanity Defense Rules

These various rules have their shortcomings. The M’Naughten standard has fallen under criticism for applying legal insanity rather than medical insanity hence lacking accuracy as the two definitions use different criteria. However, it has been appreciated for being quite strict. The Durham rule on the side, is too broad hence affording defendants an easy way out. One of the reasons it was heavily criticized is that even drug addicts could use it as an insanity defense (Gasch, 2016). The Model penal code is found to be great since it involves a medical practitioner for diagnosis. However, critics question the accuracy of such diagnosis hence discrediting this rule. Finally, the Irresistible Impulse test is considered more accurate than M’Naughten since it incorporates a new element of ‘control of impulses’ (Simon, 2018). Determining the difference between ‘uncontrollable actions’ and ‘actions that are merely uncontrolled’ is however, challenging. From this assessment, The Medal Penal Code obtains the most merit as it relies on a medical diagnosis rather than legal diagnosis as in M’Naughten. It is also not as broad as the Durham rule and lacks the shortcomings of the Irresistible impulse test.





Brown, K. P. (2018). Insanity defense typology. Behavioral sciences & the law36(3), 317-324.


Gasch, O. (2016). Prosecution Problems under the Durham Rule. The Catholic Lawyer5(1), 3.


Simon, R. J. (2018). The Jury’s Response to Legal Rules in Defense of Insanity Trials. In Jury and the Defense of Insanity(pp. 66-77). Routledge.


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Strategic Management     



            Ferrari has distinguished itself as one of the biggest brands as explained in the case. This is due to the fact that they manufacture high-performance cars, are famous for winning Formula 1 races, and merchandising of Ferrari products. Thus such a big brand has an impact on the selection and recruitment of new employees

The impact of the Ferrari brand name on the recruitment and selection of new employees

As mentioned in the case, the high standards of the Ferrari products require an alignment with people management. One of the effects of the strong brand name on the recruitment is that there are very many candidates who are interested in the job. For instance, there was an average of 20 candidates competing for each position. Another impact is that the recruitment is highly selective. A big brand name like Ferrari will only be interested in the best and most professionally qualified. This shows that the big brand name attracts many job-seeking candidates. This is closely related to the fact that the brand is well-known. Its qualities have therefore been broadcasted through Media. For example, having been listed as the number one on the list of best workplaces is enough to have many people wish to work there.


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Advantages and disadvantages of a strong brand name for the recruitment and selection of new personnel

Thus a strong brand name presents both the pros and cons for the recruitment and selection process. One of the advantages is that the candidates are already familiar with the company/organization making the recruitment process simpler. Also, a strong brand name attracts highly qualified candidates. On the part of the disadvantages, the recruitment process is highly selective and competitive. Also given that the employees are proud of their work, there is low employee turnover hence limited job vacancies are limited.


Potential best practices in HRM within Ferrari

The potential best practices within Ferrari include information sharing, employment security practices, the continuous growth of employees, and the selective recruitment of employees. Employment security practices within Ferrari include linking the employee wellbeing to personal growth. This ensures that the employees are committed to the organization. Employees are also encouraged to share their ideas hence an involvement in product development. Selective hiring ensures the employment of workers who add value to the organization.


To what extent are they aligned to each other within Ferrari?

It is clear that these best practices are aligned with each other for Ferrari success. The recruitment of employees with high potential is aligned with their continuous growth. This then makes it easy to ensure their employment security. Also, information sharing is aligned with employee involvement in product development.

Risk of a high-performance work environment for employee well-being within Ferrari

The high-performance work environment of Ferrari is likely to affect the well-being of the employees. Ferrari has very high expectations from the workers thus there is the risk of being overworked and mistreated. Also in the effort to maintain and protect a strong brand name, the plight and issues facing the workers may not be well raised. For example, in the case, the workers were asked to cover up when they had injuries. Finally, there is also the risk of under-compensation due to an increase in productivity not being matched with an increase in pay.


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