Choose to study closely ONE of the following readings on civil liberties and answer Questions for Analysis.

Questions of understanding and interpretation of the text
Choose to study closely ONE of the following readings on civil liberties and answer Questions for Analysis.
Thomas Szasz: The Ethics of Addiction (see textbook)
Your response to the questions should be substantial, not sketchy. It should attest to a serious engagement with the text and effort at independent interpretation. Demonstrate the engagement with the text by including a few short quotes, but aim at using your own words to explain the main point of the arguments.
The response should be cca 2 pages long, at least one paragraph for each question. Use font 12 Times New Roman, double spaced.
Thomas Szasz: The Ethics of Addiction
1. Explain Szasz’s argument about manufacturing madness. Who manufactures madness, how and why?
2. Szasz quotes two different definitions of addiction. What are they? What is Szasz’s commentary regarding these definitions?
3. What is the point of the analogy between addiction and sexual behavior?
4. Which libertarian argument does Szasz support?
5. Explain the concept of medical paternalism.
6. Do you think the principle of medical paternalism is in effect in some other domains besides policies regarding drugs?