Civic Engagement Project Domestic Violence Develop a civic engagement plan of action around an issue of concern to you In your plan of action, please include the following Issue of importance to you. The issue can be an international, national, or local issue. 

Civic Engagement Project: Domestic Violence
Develop a civic engagement plan of action around an issue of concern to you:
In your plan of action, please include the following:
Issue of importance to you. The issue can be an international, national, or local issue.
 Domestic Violence
Provide some background information about the issue you have chosen. Explain why this issue is important. Provide statistics and other data to demonstrate why this issue is significant.
Why is this issue important to you?
In what ways could you as a citizen impact on this issue? Are these potential actions passive of active forms of political participation?
What agencies would you engage with in order to have some impact on this issue? The agencies can be government agencies, non-governmental agencies, faith-based organizations or international organizations. For each organization, please indicate why this agency would be important to engage with and what role they play. Provide links to these organizations’ websites and/or mission statements.
How would you encourage others to join you in your cause? Design a sample of a poster, brochure, meme, vine, op-ed piece, speech, or any other material you might use to recruit people to your cause.


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