Compare and contrast these two pictures of attachment. Which picture do you find more compelling?

Faith and Kierkegaard
Both William James and Soren Kierkegaard present religion as a life-affirming. For both, faith allows us to overcome various forms of alienation from the finite world, so that we can then return to that world in a kind of loving acceptance. Put differently, in both pictures, our original attachment to the world is broken, but then healed though a faith that changes the nature of that attachment. Compare and contrast these two pictures of attachment. Which picture do you find more compelling? Id like you to explain the views of two philosophers of the given issue through a comparison of those two views, but ultimately agreeing with Kierkegaard’s view of faith instead of William James. The books to refer to are: “The Varieties of Human Experience: A Study in Human Nature” by William James “Fear and Trembling” by Soren Kierkegaard The Explication: Here you will need to offer an account of how the two philosophers differ in their positions on the issue in question. As ever, this will involve describing their views and saying something about why they hold those views. So here you are doing an explication of two positions rather than just one, and you are saying something about how they compare and contrast. The Evaluation: You can argue in defense of one the two philosophers, you can argue for some middle way that combines insights from both, or you can argue for some third position so long as it is informed by the philosophical considerations that we have been grappling with. Consideration of Counter-Arguments: After you have offer your evaluation, and before you conclude, please raise what you take to be the best objection a person might make to your evaluation, and then address that objection in defense of your position. This is a good way to shore up your argument before drawing your paper to a close.