Create a process document the desktop support team members can use to determine whether the issue is related to the power supply and resolve the issue.

Power Supply Replacement Process Assignment Content 1. Resources:Sample process documents are available at many manufacturers’ sites. Here are two samples from Hewlett-Packard:You work on a desktop support team supporting end-users via telephone. You receive a call and the end-user describes the problem. The problem is as follows:The computer is getting excessively hot and frequently shuts down unexpectedly. There is also a strange noise coming from the back of the computer case.Create a process document the desktop support team members can use to determine whether the issue is related to the power supply and resolve the issue.Include the following in your document:o A list of power supply problem indicatorso Questions to help clarify the problem and determine if it is related to the power supply o Specifications you would need to gather to identify a replacement power supplyo Steps to select and replace a power supply of a desktop computer that requires a minimum of 1,200 watts of powero Steps to transfer the power supply to the new system, including cautions and noteso Notes are tips and tricks for completing the processo Warnings are instructions to prevent harm or damage to the hardwareo Cautions are instructions to prevent injuryo Steps to test the power supply to ensure it is working properly after troubleshooting and reconciling end-user issuesCreate your document using Microsoft Word. You may augment your written guidance with flowcharts or illustrations created in Microsoft PowerPoint, Visio, or another software application approved by your Instructor.