Create your manuscript using Microsoft Word 2007 (a part of Microsoft Office 2007), which is the required format for all Chamberlain College of Nursing documents.

The purpose of this application is to provide the student an opportunity to explore the role of the advanced practice nurse (APN) and develop an APN professional development plan.1. To complete this application, you will need to access to the following databases: CINAHL, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and the Joanna Briggs Institute. You may access these databases through the Chamberlain College of Nursing Online Library.
2. The APN Professional Development Plan paper is worth 200 points and will be graded on quality of information, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.
3. Create your manuscript using Microsoft Word 2007 (a part of Microsoft Office 2007), which is the required format for all Chamberlain College of Nursing documents. You can tell that the document is saved as a MS Word 2007 document because it will end in “.docx”
4. Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about this paper may be posted under the Q & A Forum.
5. The length of the paper is to be no less than 6 and no greater than 8 pages excluding title page and reference pages.
6. APA (2010) format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, centered):
a. Introduction to the APN professional development plan
b. APN Scope of Practice
c. Personal Assessment
d. Networking and Marketing Strategies
e. Conclusion

Public and criminological policy on juvenile delinquency
• Draws an essay on the public and criminological policy of juvenile delinquency.
• In the brief, it identifies what governmental and criminological policy measures have been put in place to maintain the well-being of children, the family and the community. Has your community benefited? It offers concrete examples.
• In writing, you should include a comparison of the cost or impact of juvenile delinquency in the areas of health, economy, society, education, and public safety.
• Write the paper as a double-spac

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