Describe a contemporary instance of Metis dispossession in the Homeland of the Metis Nation, and discuss in relation to broader histories of dispossession experienced by the Metis.

This assignment has three parts:
1- Essay  3.5 pages(1000 words)
2 – short questions one page
3 – long questions 2.5 pages
Including the 5 W’s of Rooster Town, write an essay (introduction, body, conclusion) answering the following: Describe a contemporary instance of Metis dispossession in the Homeland of the Metis Nation, and discuss in relation to broader histories of dispossession experienced by the Metis.
Peters, Evelyn J. (Evelyn Joy), Stock, Matthew, Barkwell, Lawrie, and Werner, Adrian. Rooster Town : The History of an Urban Métis Community, 1901-1961Winnipeg, Manitoba: University of Manitoba Press, 2018.
Short Answer these Questions all in one page
1.    Identify three connections between the events of 1869-70 and 1885 and the conflict between the Canadian Nation-State and the Métis Nation.
2.    Describe the circumstances that led to the dispossession and dispersal of Métis populations.
3.    Explain the violence in the dispossession of Métis peoples the resulting movement of the Métis out of Manitoba and into the North West.
Long Answer these Questions half page each. total of 2.5 pages
1.    If First Nations and European peoples had been interacting and reproducing together in the various North American locations during the fur-trade, why is it that only in the Northwest/Northern Great Plains that a ‘New Nation emerged
2.    Explain how this historical description of “mixed blood” is causing problems identifying the modern Métis.
3.    Describe how the attempts to “rehabilitate” the Métis in the Settlements paralleled the Indian Reserves attempts to assimilate First Nations.
4.    What were the four locations of Métis engagement in the Northwest Rebellion, and what was most significant about the Battle of Batoche?
5.    Describe the process of dispossession through the manipulation of Sections 31 and 32 of the Act and the use of “Scrip.”
course materials:
•    Saunders, K., & Dubois, J. (2019). Metis politics and governance in Canada. UBC Press. [textbook]
•    Peters, Evelyn J. (Evelyn Joy), Stock, Matthew, Barkwell, Lawrie, and Werner, Adrian. Rooster Town: The History of an Urban Métis Community, 1901 – 1961. university of Manitoba press. 2018 (textbook)
•    Shore, Frederick John. Threads in the Sash: the Story of the Métis People Winnipeg, Manitoba: Pemmican Publications Inc., 2017. (pp.81-103) [Textbook]

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