Detail the key areas of an Australian Asthma Action Plan, with reference to specific medical indicators, key triggers and medication regimes. Include a brief overview of asthma and references to key demographics.

Asthma, based on self-reported data from the 2011–12 Australian Health Survey (AHS).* Most Asthmatics are able to sufficiently manage their disease from day-to-day, however only 21% of Australians have a specific Asthma Management Plan.
Detail the key areas of an Australian Asthma Action Plan, with reference to specific medical indicators, key triggers and medication regimes. Include a brief overview of asthma and references to key demographics.

*: Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Shock is often associated with major trauma, secondary to life-threatening bleeding (e.g.: hypovolaemic shock). However sepsis (septic shock) is one of the leading causes of death in hospitalised patients worldwide- in fact, it causes more deaths than prostate cancer, breast cancer and HIV/AIDS combined. There are approximately 15,000 episodes of severe sepsis and septic shock in Australian and New Zealand intensive care units per year.*
Investigate the progression of infection, through various stages, to septic shock. Include a discussion of the ‘Stages of Shock’, major causative factors, effects on perfusion and microcirculation and the involvement of major organs.

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