Discuss how the concepts and knowledge, along with standards and professional qualifications, you have gained in this course relate to the following professional occupational positions:fire marshal,•

This project paper will utilize many of the sections of material you have studied during the duration of this course. You will make use of your own personal observations and occupational experiences to enhance both quality and quantity of the final paper.

Whether you are employed in the public sector of safety or the private sector of safety and health management, your expertise and knowledge of dealing with other human beings will provide you with ample value in producing the finished paper.

Task Part I

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In your Introduction to this essay please discuss what you learned after completing the first seven units to include a description of the relationship between the contents of this course and your present occupational position or your desired future occupational position.

Your relationship between concepts and knowledge to your present or desired future occupational position should be limited to a minimum of one page but should not exceed two pages.

Task Part II

Discuss how the concepts and knowledge, along with standards and professional qualifications, you have gained in this course relate to the following professional occupational positions:

fire marshal,•

plan examiner,•

fire inspector,•

life safety educator, and•

fire investigator.•