Even though animals like insects, dolphins, and chimpanzees possess some communi

Even though animals like insects, dolphins, and chimpanzees possess some communication systems, these are different from those that human beings possess. After you read the section entitled “Animal Communication Systems,” in Chapter 1 (pp. 9-15) and watch the following four videos from YouTube (also posted on Blackboard): “Elephant making a sound while they playing a tire” by elephantnews; ‘Kanzi and Teco play” by IowaPrimate .LearningSanctuary; “Talking baby at 3 months old” by TheWeibell; “Dad has full convo with his baby” by Acery, write a reflective essay (of 225-250 words maximum) explaining how similarly and how differently animals communicate from human beings. You may illustrate your ideas by providing examples from the textbook and/or these videos