Expedited Removal Policy implemented to deport illegal immigrants

Subject: Political Science Level: Undergraduate Assignment: As a lobbyist, write one-page cover letter to congressman and a five-page pamphlet for an issue. Issue: Expedited Removal (Expedited Removal Policy implemented to deport illegal immigrants) Guidelines/Instructions: You are a lobbyist for an issue that you find important. You are going to make an informational pamphlet to highlight your points to prominent members of Congress. Research members of Congress that you will target in your lobbying. Explain why these members are critical to your goal. Make a plan of action and produce a pamphlet supporting your cause. Who will you be reaching out to? Why? Write a cover letter to a Congressional member and include your reasoning for reaching out to them in particular in the letter. Remember a lobbyist is only as good as the information they provide. A lobbyist who provides incomplete or unreliable information will soon be unemployed, or lose access to officials. • Length: Cover letter to Congressman should be only 1 page • Pamphlet should be 5 pages in length • 1-inch margins • 12-point Times New Roman font • Reference page (minimum of 4 scholarly sources) Cover letter should: • Follow a standard business format • Correctly address your Congressperson • Use the correct postal address • Explain your choice to write to this representative in particular, and provide your pamphlet. For example, mayb‌‍‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‍‍‍e your research showed that this representative sponsored legislation on this issue in the past. Pamphlet should: • Define the problem. Tells us exactly what the problem is. Detail its urgency and provide data. Be objective. • Analyze the problem. Provide relevant data. Tell us how to make sense of the data. Provide any findings • Offer a recommendation. Do not generalize. Be specific. • Must be persuasive. • Cite four scholarly sources Detailed instructions in attached document. Links I have found for the topic: (Just to get idea about the issue, references in the paper must be per the instructions) https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/12/03/lesser-known-trump-immigration-policy-needs-bidens-attention/ https://www.michigan.gov/documents/ag/Expedited_Removal_Comment_Letter_669420_7.pdf https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2020/06/23/trump-gets-path-cleared-expedited-removal-immigrants/112000884/ https://about.bgov.com/news/undocumented-migrants-face-fast-removals-in-renewed-trump-push/ https://www.ice.gov/news/releases/ice-implements-july-23-2019-expedited-removal-designation/ https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/07/23/2019-15710/designating-aliens-for-expedited-removal/ https://www.lawfareblog.com/supreme-court-rules-against-judicial-review-expedited-removal https://www.pfaw.org/blog-posts/trump-judge-claims-that-trump-expansion-of-expedited-removal-of-immigrants-cannot-be-challenged-in-court-conf‌‍‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‍‍‍irmed-judges-confirmed-fears/

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