Explain how your team implemented a feedback loop to adapt to the roadblocks and challenges that emerged during the project.

Project Retrospective Report

Briefly summarize your own perspective on the major challenges and successes your team faced. What was the most significant challenge you faced as individual in implementing agile practices in your project? What value do you think agile practices can bring to a project compared to the traditional waterfall method?
One of the unique features of agile is that it employs an adaptive feedback loop that allows teams to anticipate and adapt to change and evolving requirements and unexpected developments in projects. Explain how your team implemented a feedback loop to adapt to the roadblocks and challenges that emerged during the project. If your team was unable to successfully get around roadblocks or successfully adapt to changing requirements, what did it do instead? Provide several specific details from your project as evidence to demonstrate your team’s processes for utilizing feedback to adapt to change. 


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