lesson plan for integrated English language development (ELD)

Part 1: Lesson Plan


For this assignment, create a lesson plan for integrated English language development (ELD) instruction that integrates ELLs’ cultural values and beliefs. Using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” address the following:

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Using your clinical field experience classroom as the context for planning the lesson, select the grade level, a content area standard, and at least one of the 10 Arizona English Language Proficiency (ELP) standards that supports the lesson.

Complete all sections of the lesson plan template, focusing specifically on aligning objectives, instruction, and assessments to the content area academic and ELP standards selected.

Include both the content area academic and ELP standards within the “National/State Learning Standards” section of the template.

Differentiation should address ELLs’ language differences, giftedness, and special education needs.

Part 2: Reflection


Write a 250-500 word reflection explaining how your lesson plan integrates ELLs’ cultural values and beliefs in the context of teaching and learning. Include a description of how your lesson planning and focus would be different, if you were to develop a targeted ELD lesson, instead of the integrated lesson you designed.

Must be in APA with references

Discussion 1 (250  words)

Proper in-text citations and references are of particular importance in APA writing. Why is the use of citations and references the cornerstone of APA research? What are two reasons to use citations and references?


Discussion 2  ( 250 words)

There are a number of strategies/principles to improve your writing. Conduct an online search and consult your text. Identify one general principle of writing that you think would improve your writing. Why do you believe this particular principle would be useful for your writing? What obstacles might you encounter in implementing this strategy?




Creating lesson plans that align the English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards and content standards is a requirement of educators who have English language learners in their classrooms. Among the most important aspects of English language development are the integration of language instruction and practice across the content areas, which includes differentiation of instruction to address specific learning needs of all students. These aspects can be accounted for directly within lesson plans.