Explore one way in which self-efficacy can affect how people react to adopting healthy behaviours.

Explore one way in which self-efficacy can affect how people react to adopting healthy behaviours.

Answer one question from section A and one question from section B, so you must answer two questions from a choice of six 6 questions.

Each answer should be a maximum of 1000 words (excluding references and question title). Complete the cover sheet clearly and include the exam title, the question numbers attempted, your candidate number and the word count for each essay.

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Answer each question on a separate page with a separate reference list for each answer.

Ensure the question number and your candidate number are also included on each page. When submitting your work, create ONE word document containing the coversheet, both answers with their respective reference lists and submit your work through turnitin.



Explore one way in which self-efficacy can affect how people react to adopting healthy behaviours. Discuss the implications of this for nursing practice with a focus on a particular client group.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of emotion focused coping for either a patient with a long-term illness or condition, or a carer looking after someone with a longterm illness or condition.

Discuss how a theoretical understanding of stigma may help nurses understand why patients, or their families, may experience stigma for a condition. Illustrate your answer with reference to a specific group or population.


Social factors affect:
the diseases we get
the way we get treated when we are sick
iii. what we are likely to die from.

Discuss one of these in relation to one social factor such as social class, gender or ethnicity focus your answer using a chosen client group and relevance to nursing practice.

Discuss an aspect of current government policy to reduce childhood obesity. Outline its position on the Nuffield Council of Bioethics intervention ladder and discuss the advantages and disadvantages this type of policy approach.
Discuss the notion of social capital and how drawing on community assets, social capital can be used to address some health needs of a specified vulnerable group