Frankenstein and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner



Only using The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Colerridge and Frankenstein by Shelley no other sources
complete this assignment:
For your second essay, you will select The Rime of the Ancient Mariner from the Romantic period that speaks
to some theme or idea found in Frankenstein by Shelley. From the book Frankenstein use Volume 2 Chapters
1-5 (Which are Chapters 9-13 in the attached book.
In the first section of your essay, you will explain what the The Rime of the Ancient Mariner says about a
specific theme or idea. In order to do this, you must give a brief overview of the work you have chosen (What is
it about? What happens in it?) and closely examine at least two quotations from the work to support what you
In the second section of your essay, you will explain how Frankenstein addresses that same
theme or idea. To do this, you must examine one scene from
Frankenstein. Closely examine at least two quotations from Frankenstein to support what you say.
To conclude, consider how examining the outside work enhances our understanding or
appreciation of Frankenstein.

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