HBNPRW Nursing Patients With Chronic Illness


You are required to write a case -based essay that answers the following questions. You are not required to discuss Bob’s specific medical diagnoses; the focus of this essay is to explore the role of advance care planning in the context of Bob’s chronic illness progression.

Discuss the possible benefits of Advance care planning for Bob and Margaret

â–ª At what point throughout Bob’s illness trajectory might a conversation on advanced care planning be initiated with Bob? There may be differing opinions on this within the literature, please describe these.

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â–ª What sort of information should be included in the advance care plan? Discuss any supporting documents (relevant in Victoria) that may be included in the Advance care plan.

â–ª When would the advance care plan be reviewed and activated?

When you plan your essay, consider a person-centred approach to support your discussion. You need to support your discussion with high quality, peer reviewed literature. Your essay needs to draw from legislation that is relevant to Victoria, as laws and legislation vary both nationally and internationally.

In your essay:

• Identify Bob, his relevant past history and how it applies to the progression of his chronic illness to set the context for your discussion. Ensure you have clear and logical transitions between the introduction, body, and conclusion.

• Discuss why advance care planning is important in relation to person centred care, and informed decision making by drawing from your research sources and their arguments. You are required to use peer reviewed, scholarly articles to support each point you make.

You may use Australian government or other authoritative websites as a point of reference, however the use of web- based sources, or any non -peer reviewed sources is not acceptable (ie Better Health channel, Wikipedia).

• Make sure that any statement of fact is supported by  

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

1. Design appropriate chronic disease management plans or interdisciplinary team care arrangements based on the lived experiences of persons with chronic illness.

2. Evaluate chronic illness management methods to determine strategies that promote active engagement of persons, families and carers with health services.

3. Generate evidence-based recommendations for how to improve the sustainability of chronic illness management approaches in terms of their impact on natural, economic, social, political and cultural systems.