How have public health occupations in Saudi Arabia changed over the last 50 years?

How have public health occupations in Saudi Arabia changed over the last 50 years? How will public health occupations look in the next 20 years in Saudi Arabia? What do you think will drive the changes? Why?References:Al-Hashem, A. (2016). Health Education in Saudi Arabia: Historical overview. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, 16(3), 286 – 292. Assiri, A., Al-Tawfiq, J. A., Al-Rabeeah, A. A., Al-Rabiah, F. A., Al-Hajjar, S., Al-Barrak, A., Flemban, H., Al-Nassir, W.N., Balkhy, H.H., Al-Hakeem, R.F. & Makhdoom, H. Q. (2013). Epidemiological, demographic, and clinical characteristics of 47 cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus disease from Saudi Arabia: a descriptive study. The Lancet infectious diseases, 13(9), 752-761.Milaat, W. A. (2014). Public health in the saudi health system: A search for new guardian. Saudi Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 2(2), 77.Sebai, Z. A., Milaat, W. A., & Al-Zulaibani, A. A. (2001). Health care services in Saudi Arabia: Past, present and future. Journal of family & community medicine, 8(3), 19.