How standard 9 was incorporated into care is clearly discussed with evidence of advanced critical thinking.

Reflection instructions in general ( mental health settings)

Reflective Journal

Using the ‘Clinical Reasoning Cycle’ presented in; Levett-Jones, Tracy (Ed.). (2013). Clinical reasoning: learning to think like a nurse / edited by Tracy Levett-Jones: Frenchs Forest, New South Wales: Pearson Australia, critically reflect on how Standard 2 (Partnering with consumers) and Standard 9 (Recognising and responding to clinical deterioration) of the National Safety
and Quality Health Service Standards (2012) were incorporated into the care of people with a mental disorder during your mental health clinical experience to improve their health outcomes.

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2. make sure to write brief introduction and brief conclusions
using the clinical reasoning cycle model , make all the steps clear to the reader.
all the nursing actions and information should be related to mental health settings.
Make use of the polices .

rewrite the scenario or situation and make it tallys with nursing and with the model.
Word limit 2700words

Referencing 10 sources – APA 6th

Marking Rubric Criteria

Refelction 1 using standard 2(Partnering with consumers) (1400)

1.Model of Reflection Model of reflection use appropriately ( 2 marks).

Standard 2 – incorporation into care (2 marks )
How standard 2 was incorporated into care is clearly discussed with evidence of advanced critical thinking.(2 marks )
4.Standard 2 and impact on health outcomes Critical analysis of how Standard 2 impacts on health outcome.( 2 marks)

3.Supporting evidence Reflections supported with evidence gained appropriate contemporary peer reviewed sources.

Academic formatting Generally well-presented with correct spelling and
grammar. Referenced according to APAreferencing guidelines. Significant referencing,

formatting, spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Reflection 2 using standard 9 (Recognising and responding to clinical deterioration)

1.Model of Reflection Model of reflection use appropriately ( 2 marks).

1.Standard 9 – incorporation into care

3. How standard 9 was incorporated into care is clearly discussed with evidence of advanced critical thinking.


Standard 9 and impact on health outcomes Critical analysis of how Standard 9 impacts on
health outcome.

3.Supporting evidence Reflections supported with evidence gained appropriate contemporary peer reviewed sources.

Academic formatting Generally well-presented with correct spelling and grammar. Referenced according to APA referencing guidelines. Significant referencing, formatting, spelling and/or grammatical errors.
Each reflection should be 1400 words , the two reflections should be 2700 words excluding references and in text references

ten references are required to be peer reviewed articles in addition to the standards.