Identify at least two traits demonstrated by effective team leaders. Explain how an organization could ensure team leads are exhibiting the traits of an effective team leader.

The Module 1 assessment requires you to consider how effective teams are built as well as how they effectively communicate. Some considerations in this assessment include the traits of an effective team leader as well as the strategies one would use to recruit team members that would communicate and work effectively together.

Using material from Chapters 12 and 13 of your text as well as the article in the supplemental reading (Rao, 2016), you will write an informative essay sharing best practices for effective team-building and team communication.

Assessment Checklist:

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Describe at least three specific ways an organization could build more effective teams.

Identify at least two traits demonstrated by effective team leaders.

Explain how an organization could ensure team leads are exhibiting the traits of an effective team leader.

Consider the different modes of communication available to a team and describe the two you feel would be the most appropriate mode to most effectively communicate in a team environment.

Justify your choice of modes by explaining how it is most appropriate in a team setting.

Utilize at least two external sources as part of your research.

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