IDENTITY: The physical therapy profession will define and promote the movement system as the foundation for optimizing movement to improve the health of society. Recognition and validation of the movement system is essential to understand the structure, function, and potential of the human body.

Vision statement: Transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience. APTA's vision for physical therapy is “transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience.” How will you embody this vision as a future physical therapist? .

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IDENTITY: The physical therapy profession will define and promote the movement system as the foundation for optimizing movement to improve the health of society. Recognition and validation of the movement system is essential to understand the structure, function, and potential of the human body.

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QUALITY: The physical therapy profession will commit to establishing and adopting best practice standards across the domains of practice, education, and research as the individuals in these domains strive to be flexible, prepared, and responsive in a dynamic and ever-changing world.

COLLABORATION: The physical therapy profession will demonstrate the value of collaboration with other health care providers, consumers, community organizations, and other disciplines to solve the health-related challenges that society faces.