Ideological critique of 500 Days of Summer (2009). How does the movie fit into ideology of the patriarchy?

Ideological critique of 500 Days of Summer (2009). How does the movie fit into ideology of the patriarchy?how the movie helps to achieve hegemony (oppressive status quo power dynamics) by emphasizing the dominant ideological paradigms while silencing conflicting ideologies or suppressing
Part 1. Attention: Describe the ideological artifact to your audience (Close Reading & Rhetorical Analysis)–Use descriptive language to make it visible (Ekphrasis)–Situate the artifact rhetorically; explain how the artifact makes arguments (Bitzer’s Rhetorical Situation)–Explain how your audience is hailed ideologically, how they are interpolated to participate in ideology in language they will understand. Part 2. Context: What is Ideology, Hegemony, and Ideological Criticism –Use experts (ex: Foss) to define important terms –Explain the usefulness of an ideological critique as a liberating function (sources: our readings)–Articulate Kairos and stakes (why this critique now?) Part 3. Analysis: Identify the ideology for you audience (Close & Critical Reading, Types of Ideology) –Formulate (name) the dominate ideology and its wider range (ubiquity) in the culture. (Types of Ideology–Begin to explain how the elements of the artifact work ideologically (you might use Dramatism to help) Part 4. Explain the oppressive nature of the ideological artifact and how ideological domination is achieved in this instance (Critical Reading, artifact)–Use experts to introduce your theoretical tools (Nealon & Searls Giroux, Foss, Devereux) –Identify the ideological functions in play (legitimization, reification, fragmentation, unification, ethical standards, structure of desire, limits of expectation, ) to achieve hegemony –Use the Matrix of domination to discuss power dynamics Part 5. Dissimulation: Reveal the marginalized/hidden material reality (peer reviewed research)–Provide relevant facts hidden or marginalized by the ideology. –Use a research-based approach that relies on mostly expert or peer reviewed sources Part 6. Conclusion: Reframe the narrative