In the text, introduce each figure or table before you place it in the text and refer the reader to the content (e.g., [Table 1]). The results section is free from interpretation. It should *not* include reference to the literature for interpretation purposes

craft several original visuals to display the results. And, for each of these, include a complete stand-alone caption explaining the content. In the text, introduce each figure or table before you place it in the text and refer the reader to the content (e.g., [Table 1]). The results section is free from interpretation. It should *not* include reference to the literature for interpretation purposes. It is unbiased and simply presents the major findings of the research effort. As the 2018 End of Program Manual notes, “Keep in mind that the “results” are the direct observations of the research (data), while the “discussion” is the interpretation and analysis of the results and research.” This week, you submit only the results section, but I expect you are working on both the results and discussion at the same time, but keeping the content in the correct sections. As the library describes, Results. Now, tell your reader about the results of your data analysis. Be sure to include the results of any statistical tests. Do not try to interpret these results yet simply state what you discovered or observed in your analysis. Provide tables or figures if those will help to illustrate your results