Instructions*** You will reply to 2 classmates’ threads. At least 1 paragraph in length. They must be on the same page but LABLED WHO’s is WHOSE.

Instructions*** You will reply to 2 classmates’ threads. At least 1 paragraph in length. They must be on the same page but LABLED WHO’s is WHOSE. The first paragraph should be labeled (Jamar Wilson)and the other one should be labeled (Zachary Allor)**** 1. Do you agree or disagree? 2. Why or why not? Jamar Wilson
As an owner of a sports facility, it is essential to take many things into account when dealing with issues such as; assault, battery, defamation of character and invasion of privacy. While these issues are a touchy subject and leaves no room for leniency, it is crucial that a full understanding of the situation needs to be assessed before decisions are made.
With a clear issue as a threat being made by a customer to an employee would be handled personally by myself if I was on site. I would call the local authorities and immediately explain the situation. I would then escort the customer off of the property to alleviate the situation and tensions. After the situation is handled, I would check back in days later to make sure the customer is ok and reassure the customer that he/she has my support and ways we can prevent such issues in the future. Due to a zero policy towards threats the customer would be banned from the sport facility until further notice.
In the case of battery towards a referee during a game, would be taken very seriously. as the facility takes responsibility for protecting its assets. The local authorities will be called immediately as there is a zero tolerance of violence at the facility. In this case as violence is could be considered a further step in comparison to threats. The customer will be banned for life from the sports facility. Upon hiring the referee to work at the facility, I would make sure that insurance contracts are worked out. When cases like this arise, the referee is protected and covered.
Defamation of any kind by a manager against an employee will result in an immediate suspension with no pay. As the sports facility strives for an inclusive environment, spoken untruths and whistle blowing are things the sports facility refrains from. Creating a close-knit group with good chemistry will help with the issues above. In a matter such as this, having some sort of “strike” policy also gives employees a feel in terms of severity with this issue. Strikes results in severity of suspension or potential termination. I think it would be important to talk to both sides to hear the story in full, but as many believe these stories tend to be black and white and also very biased. As an owner I would have to make sure that I do not side or use my own biases in this matter.
Invasion of privacy is a very serious matter. As everyone is entitled to the private space, it is crucial for all employees to know the severity of invading privacy. With hopes of providing a safe space for the customers, it is crucial for customers to feel welcomed. As an owner I would take this matter very serious. An employee opening a customer’s locker without notice with be suspended indefinitely with no pay. An employee that takes something from a customer’s locker with be terminated immediately. There is a no tolerance rule for theft. Someone who is capable of stealing someone’s hard earned possessions is also capable of sabotaging the company.
Instructions*** You will reply to 2 classmates’ threads. At least 1 paragraph in length. They must be on the same page but LABLED WHO’s is WHOSE. The first paragraph should be labeled (Jamar Wilson)and the other one should be labeled (Zachary Allor)**** 1. Do you agree or disagree? 2. Why or why not? Zachary Allor Managing intentional torts is not something any manager wants to have to do, but also needs to be prepared for. In the case of a customer making a threat to an employee, every threat must be taken seriously. The firs step is to assess the threat (Dimoff, 2018). If the threat seems credible, urgent steps need to be taken. One of these steps is having the authorities be contacted, as approaching someone making threats is not advisable. Further, any customer threatening employees would be immediately banned from reentry to the facility indefinitely. After the immediate situation is resolved, talking to the employee and doing a wellness check is important. This is a situation where allowing the employee to leave their shift may be a good idea, so that they can decompress in a safe and comfortable environment.
In the case of battery, the threat has been realized. Immediate intervention is required to ensure the safety of the referee. The referee should be escorted off of the court, while the player is escorted out of the facility. The player would receive a lifetime ban from the facility, and may also be charged with battery. The player should be watched until they have left the premises, with the authorities or not, to ensure they do not return to the facility. Again, checking on the referee’s wellness and health is vital. The referee may want to continue the game, or be sent home, and either should be an available option for them.
Handling defamation in this case gets a little trickier, as it is an employee on employee tort. HR guidance and practices should be followed. Some of these steps may include data collection of the specifics of what was said or written, as well as keeping the employee and manager apart during the investigation. Procedure should be followed, but in this case the manager would be fired with cause after HR has completed its review. As always the employees well being should be monitored, and reassignment should be offered. Invasion of a customers privacy should also be handled seriously. Again, an investigative review should be undergone to determine the context of the situation. If the employee made a simple clerical mistake such as opening the wrong locker, a written warning or suspension may be appropriate. In this case, the employee would not be allowed near customers personal items again until going through a retraining period. If the employee did not make a mistake and instead was going rogue by opening the lockers, they would be immediately terminated with the potential of criminal charges being levied.