Kinesiology #6

Exam 1 Study Guide


· Muscle Anatomy

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· Skeletal Anatomy

· Know your muscle fibers and the types of activities

· How does the muscle contract- what is the name of the theory

· What is a muscle fiber made up of (protein filaments)

· Characteristics of muscle fibers

· Types of muscle contraction

· Directional terms

· Heart anatomy and blood flow (primarily how blood flows)

· What is Cardiac Output, how it is abbreviated

· What is Stroke Volume, how is it regulated (general concept as discussed in class- stretch)

· Amount of blood actually ejected into the body during systole (percent or fraction)

· Blood pressure responses during exercise

· Respiratory changes during exercise, what are the muscle involved

· How do you determine ventilation

· Differences in systole and diastole

· Changes to hematocrit to increase or decrease O2 carrying capacity

· Ventilatory threshold

· Heart rate max equation

· Cardiac output equation



Nancy, Hamilton,, Weimar, Wendi, Luttgens, Kathryn. Kinesiology: Scientific Basis of Human Motion, 12th Edition. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2012. VitalBook file.