Liberty university biol 101 quiz 6


Liberty University BIOL 101 QUIZ 6

·  Question 1

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3.2 out of 3.2 points

Aristotle, the “Father of Biology”, believed that a human being became a person

·  Question 2

3.2 out of 3.2 points

In the lactose operon of E.coli, how does the repressor protein change its shape?

·  Question 3

3.2 out of 3.2 points

A living thing need to be responsive because

·  Question 4

3.2 out of 3.2 points

Penetration of the egg’ zona pellucida by the sperm cell is a process driven by

·  Question 5

0 out of 3.2 points

Sperm cell production occurs within the interior lining of the ______________.

·  Question 6

3.2 out of 3.2 points

Dilation of the cervix is a chemical procedure that

·  Question 7

3.2 out of 3.2 points

Meiosis generates genetic variability in the resulting sex cells (gametes). For each of 23 pairs of chromosomes, the haploid egg cell

·  Question 8

3.2 out of 3.2 points

The reproductive system uses the hormones ________ and (later on) ____________ to “think ahead”. They guide the preparation of the uterus for its role in supporting pregnancy.

·  Question 9

3.2 out of 3.2 points

Which of the following is a biological approach to determining when a mother and her conceptus become separate individuals?

·  Question 10

3.2 out of 3.2 points

After a fly trips the sensory hair on the modified leaf of a Venus fly trap, what is the very next step in the closing process?

·  Question 11

3.2 out of 3.2 points

Preservation of biological information through time is accomplished using

·  Question 12

3.2 out of 3.2 points

For about half of a woman’s monthly cycle, the hormone ________ leaves the pituitary gland and, at the ovary, signals it to bring a more advanced _________ to complete maturity.

·  Question 13

3.2 out of 3.2 points

Based on Plato’s analysis, the problem with defining the term “person” arises when you equate personhood with

·  Question 14

3.2 out of 3.2 points

Two genes that lie at the exact same location on two separate homologous chromosomes are called

·  Question 15

3.2 out of 3.2 points

In the human life cycle, diploid cells undergo a cell division process called __________. The resulting haploid cells later fuse during ___________ which regenerates diploid cells.

·  Question 16

0 out of 3.2 points

Haploid secondary spermatocytes go on directly to complete meiosis forming four spermatid cells. These will differentiate into sperm cells. The last stage of meiosis (that generates the spermatids) is called

·  Question 17

3.2 out of 3.2 points

Order the structures by which a mature sperm cell travels from the epididymis to the female’s reproductive tract.

·  Question 18

3.2 out of 3.2 points

Which of the following will end a pregnancy?

·  Question 19

3.2 out of 3.2 points

Meiosis is a specialized process that

·  Question 20

3.2 out of 3.2 points

One disadvantage of sexual reproduction is

·  Question 21

3.2 out of 3.2 points

In the Venus Fly trap, how does the enzyme expansin help to close the trap?

·  Question 22

3.2 out of 3.2 points

The phrase, “two homologous sets of genes” means

·  Question 23

3.2 out of 3.2 points

In Iris plants asexual reproduction results from

·  Question 24

3.2 out of 3.2 points

Which of the following birth control methods is primarily contraceptive and secondarily abortive in its effects?

·  Question 25

3.2 out of 3.2 points

Which of the following describes an example of asexual reproduction found in the Kalanchoe plant?