Managing pain for sickle cell hospitalized patients


How can nurses manage pain for sickle cell hospitalized patients during crisis.
Structure of essay

(a) Discuss the purpose of the essay.
(b) Introduce the topic
(c) Contextualize the topic
2. Background, Rationale and justification
(a) Explain source from which topic is chosen
(b) Discuss the rationale
(1) Anecdotal evidence
(2) From practice
(3) Academic evidence
3. Aim and Objectives
4. Literature Search (also known as search strategy or search methodology)
(a) Analyse what is a literature search
(b) Why a literature search is important
(c) Explain how a literature search is carried out
5. Formulation is research focused question
(a) Discuss why it is necessary to formulate a research question
(1) Because of internet
(2) to get the most relevant and up to date literature
(3) to identify key words form the formulated research
(c) What is the process of formulating a research question
Talk about the 4 stages from Offondry and Vickers (2010).

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