Meeting Management Practices


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A meeting in any formal setting is expected to yield positive outcomes, in line with the set agenda within a certain timeframe (Jay, 2009). The group leader in this case scenario appears to be well aware of this fact. To begin with, she calls the meeting to order by welcoming the members. She then states the agenda of the meeting by posing her concerns in an understandable way. This includes high eloquence while also practicing useful non-verbal cues such as maintaining eye contact and use of gestures. Individual participation is also encouraged in the meeting and she appreciates every idea raised by the members. Finally, she closes the meeting on a good note by thanking the members for attending. It is therefore clear that the meeting leader possesses good meeting management practices. She is mindful of the timeframe and is able to keep the meeting in line with the topic. This ensures that the energy of the members does not go down. The way she encourages participation is also a great skill that encourages everyone to participate. There are, however, areas that the leader can improve upon. For instance, when one member raises a point, she does not allow the others to build upon that idea or rather contribute towards it. Instead, she commends it as a great idea and moves along, yet the given idea might have been made better. She should also select a member to act as the secretary for the meeting and record the minutes for future referencing (Jay, 2009). Despite these few shortcomings, the meeting was well managed (WakeUpNYCTV, 2013).



WakeUpNYCTV. (2013 November 19). Weekly Meeting Example.[Video File] Retrieved  from

Jay, A. (2009). How to Run a Meeting. Harvard Business Review Press.


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