Read the Negatives Effects of Meat Production Paper, and Complete the response by answering these questions fully.

Read the Negatives Effects of Meat Production Paper, and Complete the response by answering these questions fully.

1) Tell the writer what you learned from reading the paper vs. what you already knew about the topic.

2) Explain to what degree the writer successfully used logos, ethos, and pathos to support their argument. Try to identify gaps or opportunities that were missed.

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3) Does the writer seem credible? Please explain.

4) Evaluate to what degree you feel the writer was successful in persuading you to take some kind of action relative to the topic.

Negatives Effects of Meat Production

A lot of controversies have emerged relating to the ethics and environmental aspects of meat production. There have been a lot of developments in meat production. Meat is produced on a large scale as the demand has also increased worldwide. Statistics show that by the end of 2021, over fifty billion land animals will be reared and slaughtered for food globally. This shows one of the advantages of meat production. That is, meat is now affordable, owing to the intensive methods used in factory farming. Nonetheless, the cons of the process outweigh the pros. Meat consumption is associated with a lot of health issues in people, including the growth of various types of cancers and other chronic illnesses. The advent of industrial farming causes negative impacts on the environment, the animals, and the conditions in the farms cause the degradation of human life.

Meat production has significant environmental effects. It contributes substantially to climate change. The process results in the dispensation of greenhouse gases. Animal farming accounts for eighteen percent of global emissions. The process emanates a higher volume of greenhouse gases than the amount produced by the entire transport system, such as ships, cars, planes, trucks, and others. Climate change threatens the life of humans on earth as it leads to the lowering of the quality of human life. For instance, the process results in extreme weather conditions, like heatwaves, floods, and droughts. It is vital to reduce the rate of animal production in order to curtain the negative impacts it has on climate change.

Meat production causes deforestation and inefficient use of water, especially in relation to red meat. Research shows that producing one kilogram of beef necessitates twenty-five kilos of grain and about fifteen thousand liters of water. Additionally, meat production has resulted in the clearing of forests to be able to attain the large-scale space required for the mass production of meat. For instance, over ninety percent of all Amazon rainforest has been cleared since 1970 to create more land for grazing livestock. Currently, about thirty percent of the earth’s surface has been dedicated to livestock farming. The process shows an inefficient use of land owing to the presence of scarcity of water, land, and food in many regions of the world. It requires almost twenty times less land to feed a person on a vegetarian meal than it does to feed an animal-eater. Such is because the plants are fed on directly by people rather than feeding them to animals first. The clearing of forests leads to other issues in the environment.

Pollution is another environmental hazard caused by meat production. Animals reared for food dispense more excreta than humans in the US. The animals in the country produce more than five hundred million tons of manure annually. The most probable storage of such materials is in lagoons, or the manure is spread over fields. This is because of the lack of animal sewage processing organizations in the US. Other than excrement, the waste is combined with chemicals used in the production processes. In most cases, the dung and chemicals runoff from the factory farms to the neighboring land or water bodies like lakes and rivers. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the runoffs can transport viruses and bacterial. The process contaminates underground water and may lead to the emergence of diseases among humans (Espinosa, Tago, & Treich, 2020). Meat production organizations usually evade the limits of water pollution by spraying liquid manure into the air. This leads to increased environmental injury. The process develops mists, which are carried by the wind and spread to diverse locations. The individuals who reside near such facilities are forced to inhale the toxins in the air and the pathogens found in the released manure. The elements can cause neurochemical, inflammatory, irritation, and immune problems in people.

The situation at meat production farms is detrimental to human health. This is because of the large amounts of chemicals used in the sites (Godfray et al., 2018). For instance, the industrial manufacturing of meat is associated with the employment of high levels of antibiotics, which are used to speed up the rate of weight gain among animals. Additionally, antibiotics are utilized to manage infections among animals. In America, about eighty percent of all antibiotics are used by animals. The process contributes to the increasing public health issue of antibiotic resistance. The problem has led to a lot of mortality. Statistically, over twenty-three thousand people die annually as a result of antibiotic resistance. The number increases continually, showing the gravity of the situation in meat production farms. Intensive animal farming practices form incubations for illnesses. Other than the antibiotic problem, the other health issues that are associated with the process entail the growth of viruses like the swine flu in pigs, the transmission of infectious elements prom animals to humans, and the development of food-borne illnesses.

In general, the consumption of meat is bad for human health. The World Health Organization (WHO) conveyed that meat increases the risk factor for certain types of cancer, like colon and rectum cancer. All types of meat pose as carcinogens. Vegetarians are less likely to have cancer than meat-eaters. The elements that surge the risk of cancer in meat entail the lack of fiber and other nutrients, the presence of saturated fat, animal protein, among others. Additionally, meat increases the chance of developing diabetes and other heart problems like strokes. This is because of high cholesterol, especially in dairy products. Saturated fat found in dairy commodities increases the risk of dementia, breast cancer, and cognitive decline. The other health problem associated with meat consumption is the difficulty of maintaining healthy body weight. Statistics show that meat-eaters are three times more likely to be overweight than vegans. Vegetarians means have more metabolic rates than meat, making it easier to have healthy body weight.

The treatment of animals as production units has led to the development of inhumane practices being imposed on animals. In meat production camps, animals are not treated as living things. For instance, the animals are reared in constrained spaces, which limits their ability to move. As manufacturers attempt to produce more meat, they tend to keep a lot of animals together. The ethical considerations that were in traditional rearing are not followed in the contemporary practices. For instance, chickens are often kept in small spaces, like that of an iPad. In cases where movement is allowed, modifications are made to facilitate a higher number of animals. Some of the adjustments include the trimming of hooves or wings. Other than the cruelty on the animals, the process can affect the quality of the end product.

The other cruel element added in the production of meat is the incorporation of mesh floors in farms. This has been done with the aim of managing animal waste. The owners of the farm perceive the process as being more efficient without considering the harm the mesh imposes on the animals. The metals employed damage the feet of the animals. This causes the con of increased fat content in the current animal protein than in conventional time. Such is because the pain from the metal mesh floors triggers a natural resistance to movement. The consumption of meat with high-fat content increases the level of cholesterol in the body. This leads to the increment of risk to heart diseases.

Family separation of animals in production farms is another unethical result of the process. Piglets are weaned when they reach two weeks. This is because the process encourages the mothers to become pregnant at a faster rate than when they are left to cater to their piglets for longer. Additionally, calves and lambs are killed for food. Organizations that concentrate on dairy production separate calves and their mothers just days after birth to stimulate more milk production. In these cases, mothers look for their children frantically. The overworking of the animals lowers the quality of their health. The life span of dairy cows has reduced to five years from twenty as a result of forced labor.

The health of animals in meat production farms is not always prioritized. Entrepreneurs usually do not focus on veterinary care in the phase of intensive farming. When animals become ill, they are killed for food rather than being given the needed treatment. Animal farms have adopted the use of antibiotics in animals to enable the prevention of losses. This is to ensure the minimization of the use of veterinary services and, in turn, attain the highest profits possible. Additionally, vets often avoid treating animals in production camps as they are opposed to the harsh treatment the animals are subjected to.

In conclusion, factory farming is a requirement in a particular way due to the rising global population. Nonetheless, there is a correct and wrong way of attaining the needed elements to ensure the survival of humans, and intensive animal farming is not the solution. The process has a lot of negative effects on both animals and people. It leads to the degradation of the environment, which threatens the sustainability of human life. Meat consumption increases the risk of diseases like cancer, obesity, diabetes, heart attack, stroke, among others. Meat carries animal-borne illnesses like swine flu, which lead to high numbers of fatalities. Additionally, the conditions in meat farms are unhealthy for humans and animals. The cruel situations have led to the development of pathogens and other health problems that cause high amounts of deaths. Animals are subjected to torture, separated from their family at a young age, and their healthy growth is obstructed. They are not accorded effective treatment as corporations prioritize the maximization of profits. There is a need to regulate meat production laws and implement policies that reduce the cruel treatment imposed on animals. Additionally, corporations should be proactive in taking care of the environment to curtail the negative aspects affiliated with the procedure.

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