Strategic Plan



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When employees receive good training in the line of the business, they reciprocate this by improving their performance and competence (Kumar & Pansari, 2015). They realize the investment that the company places on them and this enhances employee commitment and engagement to the company, as well as satisfaction. This is reflected in the company’s growth (Jehanzeb & Bashir, 2013). For instance, if a company fund’s an employee for a business course, then they will not only be learned but also grateful. They will also be able to apply the knowledge in the business. The company is, therefore, able to achieve its strategic plan.

Adaptation is geared towards familiarizing an employee with their work, fellow employees, company’s culture, and the business strategy (Nekoranec & Nagyová, 2014). It ensures that employees become productive as soon as possible. If I start working in a company without the necessary orientation, then I will be lost. I won’t know where to start. But if I know what is expected of me, how the company system works, and what the business expects to achieve, then I can be more productive. The concept of change is concerned with instilling the right qualities for production in business. Changing an employee’s view to align with that of the company ensures that they are well motivated and have the right psychological qualities to achieve success. After all, we all have undesired qualities that may not be aligned with the company’s culture. Suppose that employee A was previously working in a company that did not participate much in teamwork but now this employee has been absorbed in a company that believes in teamwork as the core of their success. Such an employee requires changing to align with the business strategy and to improve their productivity in the present company.



Jehanzeb, K., & Bashir, N. A. (2013). Training and development program and its benefits to employee and organization: A conceptual study. European Journal of business and management5(2).

Kumar, V., & Pansari, A. (2015). Measuring the benefits of employee engagement. MIT Sloan Management Review56(4), 67.

Nekoranec, J., & Nagyová, L. (2014). Adaptation of employees in the organization and its importance in terms of human resource management. Land Forces Academy Review19(1), 114.


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