Tableau/Pivot Help

In tableau I made a sheet where I am trying to find the working days vs non working days. See excel, however, with my pivots I made I am unable to get the formula to work.

Formula in a new calculated column I tried in Tableau IF(Find(Working days, “Monday”) > 0 THEN “working day” ELSE “Non-working day” END but this does not calculate all columns 🙁

If person is not working Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday then working days = Monday, Friday > This is the formula I need help with after your pivot columns together

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;#Monday;#Tuesday;#Wednesday data I made into a Pivot Column week 1 because I split the columns by replacing ;# with , using Tableau Prep

Spilit Function I used REGEXP_REPLACE (REGEXP_REPLACE([WorkingDays], ‘(^[^a-zA-Z0-9]+)|([^a-zA-Z0-9]+$)’, ” ), ‘([^a-zA-Z0-9]+)’ , ‘,’)

Count Week 1 values for people working vs non working days