Team Contracts and Project Management Tools


You are a member of an LTU student organization that has committed to raise $2500 for a wheelchair access ramp in a Southfield middle school. Your student organization voted on various options and decided to sell pumpkins on Halloween. NOTE: Do not include information about designing or building the ramp. Focus only on what is needed to raise the money.

1) To aid in the task, you are responsible for creating a Team Contract. Include a cover page and subsections with titles. Use the information from lecture notes and the Team Charters handout (from Be sure that you include all items. Upload your charter into Canvas. (15 points)

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2) In MS Project, generate a Gantt Chart for your project. You will be able to generate your critical path once you add timing. Upload your project into Canvas. (10 points)

3) Determine budget. Upload your anticipated budget for this event using MS Project or a budget tool of your choosing. Can be included in your charter under Resources and Support. (5 points)



For items 1 – 4:


For item 5:

Project 2016 Tutorial Creating Recurring Tasks Microsoft Training



The post Team Contracts and Project Management Tools first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.