The Texas Legislature


1. Who is your current representative in the Texas State Senate? In the Texas House of Representatives? To find out their names, go to the Texas Legislature’s website and type your address in the “who represents me?” section. (4 points)

2. Use the same website that is given above to identify the district number for your State Senator and the district number for your State House member. (2 points)

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3. Go to the following website and type your current Texas State Senator’s name. Click on “Votes” to see the voting record of your State Senator. Based on the information provided, which bills has your State Senator supported and what does this tell you about their political ideology? Think about how conservative, moderate, or liberal their voting record is. Explain. (10 points)

4. Go to the following website and type your Texas State Senator’s name. Click on “Ratings” to see rating information for your State Senator. Provide the name of an interest group that has given a rating of 100% to your state senator (click on ‘expand all’ located at the top)? Provide the name of an interest group that has endorsed your state senator for either 2018 or 2020? What do these ratings and endorsements say about your State Senator? Explain. (10 points)

5. Go to the Texas Legislature’s website: and locate your Texas State Senator’s name. Click on their name to view their official webpage. Scroll down to “District Analysis” section and answer the below questions about your Texas State Senate district. (You can also view a map of your district by clicking on the image of Texas located at the bottom of that page):
a. Under the “General Election Analysis”, what percentage of the vote did Ted Cruz receive in your district in the 2018 U.S. Senate election? What percentage of the vote did Beto O’Rourke receive? What does this information tell you about the political characteristics of your State Senate district? (3 points)

b. Under the “District Profile”, what percentage of the population in your district is Anglo? What percentage is Black? What percentage is Hispanic? (3 points)

c. Under the “District Profile”, what is the per capita income for your district? Is this larger or smaller than the statewide average of $30,143? (3 points)


The post The Texas Legislature first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.