Traffic congestion in LondonWrite an academic essay using a problem-solution structure.Provide a critical discussion of two possible ways to solve the problem.


Write an academic essay using a problem-solution structure. In your paper, you should include the following:

• An appropriate title(Traffic congestion in country )

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• A description of the problem and explanation of why it needs solving

• A clear thesis statement (i.e. What do you believe is the best solution?)

• The content should be specific to the country / region of the topic you selected

• A critical discussion of two possible ways to solve the problem. A critical discussion includes the strengths and weaknesses of both thesis .

• A rebuttal to critics of your preferred solution

• An appropriate concluding statement

The post Traffic congestion in London:Write an academic essay using a problem-solution structure.Provide a critical discussion of two possible ways to solve the problem. appeared first on Essay Quoll.