United States Supreme Court case that involves an interpretation of the Constitution


Complete a case essay on any United States Supreme Court case that involves an interpretation of the
Constitution – this encompasses most of the cases that come before the Supreme Court. However, please
choose a case that was heard by the Supreme Court from 2009 to the present. Again, please do not choose a
case that is older than 2009. This will help ensure that you are writing your essay on current, relevant case law.
– Your essay should be around 2 pages and contain the following information:
– Who is involved in the case?
– How has the case moved through the legal system (who filed it, in what court? What appellate court heard it?
How did it get to the Supreme Court?)?
– What was the issue in the case?
– What did the Court decide? (note that the US Supreme Court is called “Court”, not “court” and not
– What was the Court’s analysis (WHY did they decide as they did)?
– Did any Justices dissent, and if so, what did they have to say?
– What is the impact of this case?
If you can’t find a good case, you can always message me for ideas. If you search on Nexis Uni or OYEZ you
should be able to find something.

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