University By-laws


A. According to the Arab Open University By-laws, “the following acts represent cases of cheating and plagiarism:
 Verbatim copying of printed material and submitting them as part of TMAs without proper academic acknowledgement and documentation.
 Verbatim copying of material from the Internet, including tables and graphics.
 Copying other students’ notes or reports.
 Using paid or unpaid material prepared for the student by individuals or firms.

B. Penalties for plagiarism ranges from failure in the TMA to expulsion from the university.

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TMA feedback:



GR118E: Coexistence Living Skills
TMA: Summer Semester 2019 – 2020
(50 Marks)


Proposed word length: 800-900 words.

A. Write an essay on the following:
Read the introductory chapter pages 3-38 of your TMA reading book, (Classroom Action) where Ajay Heble discusses an important concept for this course which is the Human Rights Education (HRE). Then look at the Webography from pages (150-151) ONLY where you find different resources related to research and teaching of Human Rights and Education.

Write an essay explaining the meaning of HRE according to Heble.
Then select one of the webography resource and show how the resource or organization work that yo selected may be used to improve the HRE.

Hints and Notes for your answer:
1- Read carefully the introductory chapter in your reading book. Try to figure out its main point and reasoning then put it all in your notes.
2- Understand Heble’s point of view regarding human rights education (HRE).
3- Make an outline for your written answer include that in your essay as a separate page at the beginning. Not included in your essay word count.
4- Write an ESSAY with a clear introduction, body, conclusion. Avoid short points or summaries or synopses.
5- Because your essay requires a small research, you should also include external electronic sources. You can found those sources in our e-library (on LMS).
6- DO NOT use Wikipedia or popular magazines or newspapers as references. Use only academic journals and books.
7- Use Only Word (doc.; docx.) format on your computer to write your essay. DO NOT send your TMA in any other format.
8- Use Times New Roman font ONLY. Font size 12, double spaced. DO NOT use colors or frames or any other shapes in your essay.

Additional Guiding Notes:
 Remember: Write an outline for your essay and upload to LMS it alongside your essay. You will be partly evaluated on the organization of the outline and how closely it is followed in writing your essay.
 Remember: your TMA question has two parts, make sure your answer covers both. Begin by reading the topic carefully and then write down your ideas on a piece of paper as a sort of free writing activity. You may need to brainstorm your ideas individually or in the class as a class activity.
 Read at least two sources/references to get more ideas about the topic you are researching. While reading, write relevant information that can help you in enriching your idea.
 Summarize and paraphrase the relevant points to your essay from the two texts you have read. You may quote some ideas but use quotation marks and in-text citations carefully not excessively.
 Use the APA style referencing format in your in-text citations and end-text references. See the following cite to help you in your referencing:
 Use your brainstorming notes, reading notes and outline to write your first draft on a separate piece of paper.
 Rewrite the whole essay, type it, and then upload it on the LMS before the deadline to check the turnitin similarity percentage, and then do the necessary modifications.

The following are guidelines on plagiarism:

If you submit an assignment that contains work other than yours without acknowledging your sources, you are committing plagiarism. This might occur when:

• Using a sentence or phrase that you have come across
• Copying word-for-word directly from a text
• Paraphrasing the words from the text very closely
• Using text downloaded from the Internet
• Borrowing statistics or assembled fact from another person or source
• Copying or downloading figures, photographs, pictures or diagrams without acknowledging your sources
• Copying from the notes or essays of a fellow student

It is important to remember that plagiarism is strictly barred and would be subject to punitive action by the Arab Open University.
Learning Outcomes:
This assignment will help students achieve the learning outcomes expected from this course. It will give them the chance to exercise several of the skills they acquired throughout the course, like practicing process writing skills that help them produce an academic essay, mainly, thinking about the topic, brainstorming, reading about the topic, outlining, drafting, editing for content. This assignment will also introduce some research skills, i.e. searching for relevant references on the topic, writing in-text citations and end-text references, paraphrasing and summarizing. The students will also be evaluated on their ability to produce mature ideas, writing a well-organized logically and clearly developed essay. When requested your TMA shall be discussed with your professor, therefore your outline will work as an important piece for that purpose (see below).
The TMA is marked as follows:
ITEM Allocated marks
1. Essay outline 5 marks
2. Essay contents (clear ideas, supporting information, examples, evidence, description, comparison, statistics, quotations, etc.) 20 marks
3. Essay Organization (introduction, body, conclusion), essay covers all parts of TMA question 10 mark
4. Language grammar: sentence structure, verb form, tenses, etc.
Mechanics: punctuation, spelling, etc.
Formats and style: word counts, font style and font size, spacing, no colors, etc. 10 marks
5. Sources (at least 2 references with correct in-text and end-text referencing format) 5 mark







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