WebQuest planning




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List steps learners should accomplish
List some of the resources you want to use
List resources (bookmarked websites, print resources, etc.) that students will need to complete the task.

Describe the method you will evaluate your lesson (assessment)
List the rubric that you will use to evaluate (standards should be fair, clear, consistent, and specific to the task.
Conclusion / Reflection
Summarize your experience in creating the WebQuest planning sheet


TEKS (http://tea.texas.gov/curriculum/teks/)
List of resources
Please review the rubric for more information.

This link below shows how to set up the webquest.


These links are also examples

Bernie Dodge with Tom March developed Webquest ( http://www.webquest.org) in early 1995 at San Diego State University.

Please review the following interesting video: What’s a WebQuest? (YouTube Video)

Lesson Template: http://webquest.org/sdsu/templates/lesson-template1.htm

Templates to create WebQuests:

http://questgarden.com A free 30 day trial

RubiStar: Creating Rubrics

Example from former students:
http://questgarden.com/181/08/ 9/150425072943/index.htm



Additional Examples:





The post WebQuest planning first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.