What are things to remember when you use photos or charts in your speech?Explain

a. Doing research for a speech is just as important as doing research for an academic paper.

If you are not sure how to gather information you will need to support the visual aid for your speech (your PowerPoint presentation), where can you start looking for credible information and/or graphics?

b. What are things to remember when you use photos or charts in your speech?

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Required Reading:
Bartels, L. and Beil, J. (2019, Mar 14). PowerPoint Excellence.  Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE).  Retrieved from https://www.siue.edu/facultycenter/services_resources/teaching/ppt.shtml

Radzikowska, M. (2018, Feb 09). Eleven tips for better slides: Combining text and image.  Retrieved from https://medium.com/@milenaradzikowska/11-tips-for-better-slides-combining-text-and-image-725619bab72e

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