What is the prevalence of hypertension in the elderly population?

Hypertension in the Elderly Population
Elderly population is growing faster in the United States. Longevity is increasing. This also brings an increased and unlimited number of common diseases which makes this group more vulnerable. Elderly persons are defined as individuals at the age of 65 and older (World Health Organization n.d). Hypertension is one of most common health problem within this population. Hypertension has an increased morbidity and mortality as consequence of the complications such as cerebrovascular disease heart attack heart failure and renal insufficiency (Malhotra Chan & Malhotra 2010).
According to The American Heart Association (AHA) hypertension is defined as blood pressure of 140 over 90 or higher. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). Healthy blood pressure levels are below 120 over 80 (Carretero & Oparil 2000).
The aggregate selected by the author of this paper is Elderly population with hypertension. The author interest is to explore this populations needs and other concerns that arise within the home health care setting. The author asks the following questions:
1 . What is the prevalence of hypertension in the elderly population?Why is important to treat elderly patient with hypertension?3 .Which risk factors are associated to hypertension in the elderly population?
Society as part of the program of care for the elderly has the responsibility to ensure that
appropriate health care is provided to this population and ensure that services are provided by
skilled and trained personnel. The availability of social services and psychological support is an
important factor to promote health and well-being on this group. Additionally the society needs
to make medical and nursing services available to improve their quality of life as well as create
government programs that provide monetary assistance to help the low income elderly with
housing difficulties and inadequate nutrition.
On the other hand although many resources are available for this group
sometimes are not well understood or covered by this population or sometimes funds are not
sufficient to meet their demands because this group is increasing at a rapid pace.
The government has the responsibility to take action and increase health resources in order to
meet the needs of this population group.