What should you, as director of corporate communications, do to prepare for their visit? Write a news feature about your company’s innovative approach to conserving energy and reducing greenhouse gases in its manufacturing plants.

Write a news feature about your company’s innovative approach to conserving energy and reducing greenhouse gases in its manufacturing plants. A reporter and a photographer will be visiting the company headquarters in 10 days.

What should you, as director of corporate communications, do to prepare for their visit? Include a summary paragraph and:

your internal preparations for your PR team, executive management, corporate experts on the issue, and facilities advance information you will provide to the reporter questions you will ask the reporter and photographer in advance your anticipated follow-up.

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The post What should you, as director of corporate communications, do to prepare for their visit? Write a news feature about your company’s innovative approach to conserving energy and reducing greenhouse gases in its manufacturing plants. appeared first on Essay Hotline.