Which of the following is (are) a contribution of choice theory/reality therapy?

Like cognitive therapy, strengths-based CBT is empirically based.
According to feminist therapists, an intrapsychic orientation tends to result in blaming the victim.
Which of the following REBT techniques helps a client become increasingly proficient at minimizing irrational thinking and disturbances in feeling and behaving?
Magnification and minimization consist of perceiving a case or situation in a greater or lesser light than it truly deserves.
Which of the following is nottrue about role playing in REBT?
Feminist therapists do not tend to engage in self-disclosure because of their concern over unduly influencing the client.
According to the generic cognitive model, our beliefs do not play a major role in determining what type of psychological distress we will experience.
The counselor engages in __ only when it is judged to be therapeutically helpful to the client.
In working with Japanese clients, a reality therapist might do which of the following when asking clients to make plans and commit to them?
Which of the following themes would clients in feminist therapy be leastlikely to explore?
The REBT technique that involves having clients vividly imagine one of the worst things that might happen to them and to describe their disturbing feelings is called:
Which of the following is (are) a contribution of choice theory/reality therapy?