WRITE a thank you letter to this teacher, telling him/her how you appreciate the great job he or she did and how it impacted you. (Even if you have lost touch with this teacher or he/she is no longer alive, write the letter.)

~Refer to the teacher as Tim
THINK of the best teacher you have ever known.
MAKE a list of his/her strengths.
IF your teacher told you that you would teach a class tomorrow in his/her absence, what tactics and techniques you observed from your best teacher might help you lead the class? MAKE a list.
WRITE a thank you letter to this teacher, telling him/her how you appreciate the great job he or she did and how it impacted you. (Even if you have lost touch with this teacher or he/she is no longer alive, write the letter.)
SUBMIT THE LETTER AND WRITE a four paragraph essay in which you discuss the following:
· Was it hard for you to write that letter of praise?
· Why do you believe it is difficult for some managers to give praise?
· Have you ever taken steps to help a “bad” teacher improve his/her performance—why or why not?
· Why do you believe it is difficult for some managers to offer constructive ideas for improvement to his/her colleagues and bosses.