1.During a certain week, a hydropower plant produces 8,400,000 kWh of energy and the peak-load during that week is 100,000 kW. What is the load factor during the week? (a) 40% (b) 45% (c) 50% (d) 60% 2. Pumped storage plants (a) use thermal energy to pump water and generate hydropower to meet peak demand (b) allow thermal power to take up peak-load while the hydropower can take up the baseload (c) convert low value off-peak energy into high-value on-peak capacity and energy (d) convert low value thermal power into high-value hydropowerO8.11 * A pumped storage plant is always a (a) high-head plant (b) run-of-river plant (c) peak-load plant (d) base-load plant

1.During a certain week, a hydropower plant produces 8,400,000 kWh of energy


and the peak-load during that week is 100,000 kW. What is the load factor during the week?

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(a) 40% (b) 45% (c) 50% (d) 60%

2. Pumped storage plants

(a) use thermal energy to pump water and generate hydropower to meet peak demand

(b) allow thermal power to take up peak-load while the hydropower can take up the baseload

(c) convert low value off-peak energy into high-value on-peak capacity and energy

(d) convert low value thermal power into high-value hydropowerO8.11 * A pumped storage plant is always a

(a) high-head plant (b) run-of-river plant

(c) peak-load plant (d) base-load plant

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The post 1.During a certain week, a hydropower plant produces 8,400,000 kWh of energy and the peak-load during that week is 100,000 kW. What is the load factor during the week? (a) 40% (b) 45% (c) 50% (d) 60% 2. Pumped storage plants (a) use thermal energy to pump water and generate hydropower to meet peak demand (b) allow thermal power to take up peak-load while the hydropower can take up the baseload (c) convert low value off-peak energy into high-value on-peak capacity and energy (d) convert low value thermal power into high-value hydropowerO8.11 * A pumped storage plant is always a (a) high-head plant (b) run-of-river plant (c) peak-load plant (d) base-load plant appeared first on Best Custom Essay Writing Services | EssayBureau.com.