1. In the text, the author mentions two fires between which the new Khedive Tawfiq stood once he had taken over. What does the author mean by that? And which fire did Tawfiq choose?

Please read chapter 4 p.41 (see uploaded file) “The British Occupation” and answer a (1) question from the below list of discussion points. Please state which question.
1. In the text, the author mentions two fires between which the new Khedive Tawfiq stood once he had taken over. What does the author mean by that? And which fire did Tawfiq choose?
2. Who was Ahmad Urabi? What were the factors that lead to the Urabi revolution?
3. Did the Urabi revolution fail? if yes, what were the causes?
4. What were the circumstances that resulted in the British intervention and later on in the occupation of Egypt?
5. Why did the British stay in Egypt? What measures did they take to secure their power and interests in Egypt?
6. Define the National Tribunals. What other kind of courts did exit in 19th century Egypt?